Enrolment Process:
When parents/carers make contact with the preschool, they are referred to the website. Here they can get information and are able to submit an application for enrolment form.
When an application for enrolment form is submitted it will be placed in our waiting list file. An email will be sent to acknowledge receipt of the form. As we go through the waiting list during the year we will contact applicants to confirm their requirements.
At this point a meeting can be arranged with the director for the parent/carer and child/ren to come in and have a tour of the preschool. A position may be offered at this point if there is availability, and an enrolment package given out.
Once an enrolment package is given out, a time will be booked for its return. This return date will also involve an orientation morning when the child and parent/carer stay at the preschool between 9.30am and 11.30am and join in the morning experiences, enabling them to become familiar with the educators, the preschool and its routine. This assists and supports both the family and child to transition smoothly from home to preschool.
Please note: When enrolments are offered for the following year, an orientation will take place on a given day depending on the number of new families and children enrolling.
Children Learning Through Discovery
- Building Confidence
- Preparing for school
- Active Learning
The Old Showground (off King Street) Campbelltown
Tel: 02 46251471
8:15am – 3:45pm
School Terms (Only)